What is the significance of Sinicization of Marxism

What is the significance of Sinicization of Marxism

The proposition of "Sinicization of Marxism" was first put forward by Mao Zedong in his article entitled "on the new stage" in 1938. In the process of Sinicization of Marxism, the Communist Party of China has successively produced Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", which are called the three theoretical achievements of Sinicization of Marxism
First, the theoretical achievements of Sinicization of Marxism guide the great cause of the party and the people to win constantly!
Second, the theoretical achievements of Sinicization of Marxism provide a strong spiritual pillar to unite the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country!
Third, the advocacy and embodiment of Sinicization of Marxism are the scientific attitude and fine style of study towards Marxism, and constantly open up a new realm for the development of Marxism in China!
The theoretical achievements formed in the process of Sinicization of Marxism not only reflect the inheritance of the basic theory of Marxism in China, but also reflect that Marxism is a continuously developing, open and dynamic scientific system. They not only develop Marxism in a new form, but also show the inherent strong vitality of Marxism
It is of great significance to put forward the Sinicization of Marxism: first, the theoretical achievements of Sinicization of Marxism guide the great cause of the party and the people to win constantly. Without revolutionary theory, there will be no revolutionary practice. Second, the theoretical achievements of Sinicization of Marxism provide a strong spiritual pillar to unite the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups, The Sinicization of Marxism advocates the scientific attitude and style of study towards Marxism, and opens up a new realm for the development of Marxism in China
The historical process of Sinicization of Marxism is promoted with the practice of Chinese revolution, construction and reform, and started with the spread of Marxism in China and the combination with China's specific reality. The Chinese Communists combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality, and constantly create new theoretical achievements, so as to constantly enrich and develop Marxism
It is determined by China's specific national conditions and the world situation in which China is located that we must adhere to Marxism to guide the Chinese revolution. The modern history of China, the history of the Communist Party of China and the history of China's revolution, construction, reform and opening up repeatedly tell us that the fate of the Communist Party of China is closely related to adhering to the guidance of Marxism. When to adhere to the correct guidance of Marxism, In modern Chinese history, a series of promising figures have emerged, put forward various plans to save the nation, and made unremitting efforts for the revitalization of the Chinese nation. However, the struggle and exploration aimed at saving the country and the people have promoted China's progress under certain historical conditions, In the semi feudal and semi colonial old China, he fancied using bourgeois ideological weapons, adopting reformism or bourgeois old style democratic revolution to establish a bourgeois democratic republic and take the road of capitalist rich country, After the May 4th movement, China's advanced intellectuals accepted Marxism through the October Revolution and realized that China must choose socialism as the only way to enrich the people and strengthen the country, Choose Marxism as the guiding ideology
Choosing Marxism as the guiding ideology brings about two problems: first, we must adhere to the guidance of Marxism; second, how to adhere to the guidance of Marxism. To adhere to the guidance of Marxism, we must establish a scientific attitude towards Marxism, Only in this way can we truly adhere to Marxism. The wrong attitude towards Marxism is mainly manifested in three aspects: one is to deny the guiding role of Marxism and think that Marxism is out of date and has no vitality; the other is to despise the guiding role of Marxism and only believe in our own experience, The correct attitude towards Marxism is to combine Marxism with China's reality, adhere to Marxism and develop Marxism, Only when Marxism is combined with the national conditions and the characteristics of the times, and constantly enriched and developed in practice, can it guide practice
The Chinese Communists, represented by Mao Zedong, consciously used the Marxist stand, viewpoint and method to deeply analyze the nature and characteristics of Chinese society, correctly analyzed the situation, relations and status of various classes in Chinese society, and scientifically grasped the laws and characteristics of Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong believed that Chinese society is a semi feudal and semi colonial society, and the Chinese revolution must be divided into two steps: the first step is to carry out the new democratic revolution led by the Communist Party of China; the second step is to carry out the new democratic revolution led by the Communist Party of China, The working class is the leading class of the Chinese revolution, and the peasant class is the main ally of the Chinese revolution. We should unite the national bourgeoisie and other petty bourgeoisie, The most extensive revolutionary united front has been formed; the objects of revolution are imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism and feudalism; the particularity of Chinese society determines the particularity of Chinese revolution. The road of Chinese revolution is to encircle the cities from the countryside, and the central problem is the problem of peasants. The main form of Chinese revolution is the people's war led by the Communist Party of China, Armed capture of power; army building, Party building, and the united front are the three magic weapons for the Chinese revolution to defeat the enemy. The Chinese Communists creatively expounded the particularity of China's revolutionary road in theory, systematically expounded the theory of new democracy, and formed the theoretical achievement of Mao Zedong thought, which is the Sinicization of Marxism, Mao Zedong thought, the thought of unifying the theory of Marxism Leninism with the practice of Chinese revolution, serves as the guideline of all his work
Looking back on the road our party has gone through, no matter victory or setback, success or failure, is closely related to whether it correctly answers the question of "upholding and developing the guidance of Marxism". In the process of exploring the road of China's socialist construction, our party once made a serious mistake of leaving the Marxist ideological line, However, our party is a great party that consciously adheres to the truth and corrects mistakes. Whenever it comes to a major historical turning point, it can adhere to the ideological line of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and keeping pace with the times, sum up experience and draw lessons, and consciously liberate the ideological understanding from the wrong and dogmatic understanding of Marxism, Emancipate yourself from the shackles of subjectivism and metaphysics, from the shackles of outdated concepts, practices and systems, and make bold explorations to make your thoughts and actions more in line with the objective reality and the requirements of the development of the times. In the face of victory, you should not be arrogant and impatient; in the face of setbacks, you should not be discouraged; you should turn defeat into victory and turn crisis into safety, and achieve great victories again and again, Step by step deepen the understanding of the fundamental issue of "upholding and developing Marxism"
Throughout the great historical process of the Sinicization of Marxism, the most fundamental experience is the integration of theory with practice. The practice of the Sinicization of Marxism has repeatedly proved that only when the basic principles of Marxism are deeply rooted in the realistic soil of Chinese revolution, construction and reform, and the combination of Marxism with the basic national conditions and the characteristics of the times is accurately grasped, Only by deepening and developing Marxism in practice can we make it burst out with infinite vitality and great guidance to practice
From the perspective of philosophical basis, the problem of Sinicization of Marxism is essentially the "generality" and "particularity" of philosophy, that is, the dialectical relationship between generality and individuality. The living soul of Marxism is the concrete analysis of specific problems, We must combine the "general" principle of Marxism with the specific reality of China. The specific particularity of China is embodied in three aspects, namely, the particularity of China's national conditions, the particularity of China's world conditions and the particularity of the Chinese people. This raises the issue of sinicization, modernization and popularization of Marxism
To continuously promote the Sinicization of Marxism, we must adhere to the theoretical guidance of Marxism. The practical process of Chinese revolution, construction and reform has fully proved that the success or failure of the cause of the party and the state fundamentally depends on whether we really adhere to the guidance of Marxist scientific theory, Under the pretext of changes in the times and historical conditions, if we belittle, doubt or even deny the guiding position of Marxist theory, the cause of the party and the state will deviate from the correct direction, Adhering to the basic principles of Marxism is an important prerequisite for promoting the Sinicization of Marxism. To think that the Sinicization of Marxism is to turn Marxism into something else, "a new thing, something in China, is different from the original thing", is a distortion of the Sinicization of Marxism, We must firmly adhere to and constantly consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in China's mainstream ideology, be good at analyzing various social trends of thought by using Marxist stand points and methods, enhance political sensitivity and political discrimination, build a solid ideological defense line, consciously draw a clear "four boundaries", resolutely resist the influence of various wrong ideas, and always maintain a firm position and clear mind, Enhance the discourse power and initiative of ideological struggle

On the invariability of Marx's basic principles and the change of individual theories

Viewing from the world of dialectical materialism, Lenin said: "now we must make clear an indisputable truth, that is, Marxists must consider the vivid real life, must consider the exact facts of reality, and should not cling to yesterday's theory, because this theory, like any theory, at most only

To realize the Sinicization of Marxism is to combine the basic principles of Marxism with what

Combine with Chinese practice