When the parabola y = ax square + BX + C passes through one, two and three image limits, then When the parabola y = ax square + BX + C passes through one, two, three image limits, then A.a>0,b>0,c=0 B.a>0,b

When the parabola y = ax square + BX + C passes through one, two and three image limits, then When the parabola y = ax square + BX + C passes through one, two, three image limits, then A.a>0,b>0,c=0 B.a>0,b


What is the relationship between the value of C in quadratic function ax ^ 2 + BX + C and the intersection of parabola and Y axis

Let x = 0, then y = C, so
C is the ordinate of the intersection of the parabola and the y-axis
Absolutely right,

When the intersection of quadratic function y = AX2 + BX + C and X axis is y = 0, then when the function value y = 0, the value of X is the abscissa of the intersection of parabola and X axis
Find the intersection coordinates of y = x & # 178; - 2x-3 and X axis

If y = (x-3) (x + 1), then when y = O
X-3 = 0 or x + 1 = 0
We can find x = 3 or x = - 1

Given the quadratic function y = a (X-H) 2, when x = 2, there is a maximum value, and the image of this function passes through points (1, - 3), the relationship of this quadratic function is obtained, and it is pointed out that when x is the value, y increases with the increase of X

According to the meaning of the problem, y = a (X-2) 2, substituting (1, - 3) into a = - 3, so the analytic expression of quadratic function is y = - 3 (X-2) 2, because the symmetry axis of the parabola is a straight line x = 2, and the opening of the parabola is downward, so when x < 2, y increases with the increase of X