When exploring the relationship between current and voltage when the resistance is constant, why choose constant resistance instead of small bulb?

When exploring the relationship between current and voltage when the resistance is constant, why choose constant resistance instead of small bulb?

In exploring the relationship between current and voltage, we need to keep the control resistance constant
This is because the bulb works by using the thermal effect of current, and the resistance of the filament increases with the increase of temperature! When the voltage at both ends of the bulb is changed, the resistance of the filament changes obviously
However, the resistance of constant resistance remained unchanged during the experiment

In the two experiments of measuring resistance with ammeter and voltmeter and measuring the power of small bulb, it is necessary to obtain the values of several groups of voltage and current
In the experiment of resistance measurement, the purpose of many measurements is to calculate the resistance to be measured__ To reduce the number of experiments__ In the experiment of electric power, the purpose of many times measurement is to measure the electric power of small lamp separately__ At the same time, observe the light and dark changes of the small lamp, so as to explore the characteristics of the small lamp___ The relationship between

In the experiment of resistance measurement, the purpose of multiple measurements is to calculate the (average value) of the resistance to be measured, so as to reduce the experiment (error). In the experiment of electric power, the purpose of multiple measurements is to measure the power of the small lamp under (different voltage) and observe the change of the light and dark of the small lamp at the same time, so as to explore the relationship between the light and dark of the small bulb and the actual electric power

After Xiaohua did the experiment of measuring the resistance of a small bulb, he thought whether he could measure the resistance of a voltmeter. Please help him think about how to measure it and draw the circuit diagram

Connect an ammeter in series, add voltage and divide the reading of voltmeter by that of ammeter

Connect a bulb directly to the power supply. The power of the bulb is 100W. Connect a resistor in series with the bulb to the same power supply. If the power of the bulb is 81w, the power of the resistor is ()
A. 19WB. 9WC. 10WD. 1W

When the bulb is directly connected to the power supply, the circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 1; when a resistor is connected in series with the bulb, the circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 2; ∵ PL = 100W, PL '= 81w, ∵ from Fig. 1 and 2, we can get: PLP ′ L = i21rli22rl = (i1i2) 2 = 100w81w = 10081, the solution is: i1i2 = 109, ∵ the voltage of the power supply is unchanged, ∵ i1i2 = R + rlrl = 109, the solution is: r = 19rl, from Fig. 2, we can get: PR = i22r = I22 × 19rl = 19 × pl ′ =19 × 81w = 9W

It is known that AB is the diameter of ⊙ o, CD is a chord, ab = 10cm, and the distance from point a and B to the straight line CD is 1cm and 7cm respectively, then the length of chord CD is ()

There are two cases
1. When point C and point D are on the same side of AB, CD = 6cm
2. When point C and point D are on the opposite side of AB, CD = 8cm

It is known that the radius of circle O is 25, the chord AB is parallel to CD, and ab = 40cm, CD = 14cm. Find the distance between AB and CD

Very simple, the distance from the center of the circle to the chord AB: (25 ^ 2-20 ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2) = 15cm, the distance from the center of the circle to the chord CD: (25 ^ 2-7 ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2) = 24cm, so the distance from the chord AB to the chord CD: 24-15 = 9cm (on the same side) or 24 + 15 = 39cm (on both sides of the center) gives the specific calculation process

In the circle O, the chord AB = 40cm, the chord CD = 48CM, and ab is parallel to CD
In the circle O, the chord AB = 40cm, the chord CD = 48CM, and ab is parallel to CD. If the radius of circle O is 25cm, the distance between AB and CD is calculated
Major cases should be 8 or 22

First, connect OC.OD In the right triangle OCM, OC = 25, CM = 48 / 2 = 24. According to the Pythagorean theorem, OM = 7 is obtained OA.OB Finally, let on-om = 15-7 = 8 and the distance be 8
That means that string AB and string CD can be distributed on the same side and different sides. The answer for the same side is 15-7 = 8, and the answer for different sides is 15 + 7 = 22
I'm sorry I didn't think about it!

In the circle O, the chord AB = 40cm, the chord CD = 48CM, and ab is parallel to CD. If the radius of circle O is 25cm, the distance between AB and CD is calculated

Let the midpoint of AB and CD be m, n
Om ^ 2 = OA ^ 2-AM ^ 2 = 25 ^ 2-20 ^ 2 = 125 om = 5 radical 2
ON^2=OC^2-CN^2=25^2-24^2=25 ON=5
Because AB is parallel to CD
So the distance between B and CD is om + on = 5 + 5 root 2cm

In ⊙ o with a radius of 25cm, if the chord AB = 40cm, what is the distance between the chord and the midpoint of the arc?

I can't draw a picture. Do it yourself
Connect an end point of the chord with the center of the circle to form a right triangle. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the distance from the center of the circle to the center of the circle is 15cm, so the distance from the center of the arc opposite to the chord is: 25-15 = 10cm

In a circle O with a diameter of 50cm, the chord AB = 40cm, the chord CD = 48CM, and ab is parallel to CD, then the distance between AB and CD is ()
A. 8cmb. 12cmc. 22cmd. 8cm or 22cm

As shown in the figure, when AB and CD are on one side of the diameter, then in RT △ AOF, OA = 25cm, AF = 20cm, ∧ of = 15cm. Similarly, OE = 7cm, ∧ the distance between parallel line AB and CD is 15-7 = 8cm; when AB and CD are not on the same side of the diameter, then the distance is 15 + 7 = 22cm