What is the simplest score of 19 out of 38

What is the simplest score of 19 out of 38

The fraction whose numerator and denominator have only a common factor of 1, or the fraction whose numerator and denominator are mutually prime, is called the simplest fraction, also known as the reduced fraction.. 19 / 38 = 1 / 2

What are the false fractions of 8 / 4, 19 / 3, 52 / 13 and 17 / 21 that can be converted into integers

The false fractions that can be converted into integers are 8 out of 4 and 52 out of 13

Reduce the following fractions to the minimum. (1) 9 / 24=__ (2) 52 out of 200=__ (3) 45 out of 81=__ (4) 63 out of 72=__ (5) 21 out of 30=__

1. 3 / 8
2. 13 out of 50
3. 5 out of 9
4. 7 out of 8
5. 7 out of 10

Simple operation of dividing 13 / 20 by (3 / 4-1 / 5)

13 / 20 divided by (3 / 4-1 / 5)
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