33333 × 6 × 11111 + 22222, please 3Q The result is 2222200000, and it is fast

33333 × 6 × 11111 + 22222, please 3Q The result is 2222200000, and it is fast

33333×6×11111+22222 =(99999+1)x22222 =100000x22222 =2222200000





Seek 5 + 55 + 555 + 5555 +Value of 5555

Let the nth term in the formula be an
Then an = 5 / 9 × [(10 ^ n) - 1]
You can try it
Here n goes from 1 to 10
So S10 = 5 / 9 × (10 + 10 & # 178; +...) +10^10-1×10)
=5/9×(10+10²+10³+…… +10^10-10)
=5/9×[(10(1-10^10)/(1-10) )-10]