The equation equal to 3.14 divided by 0.2 is () A. 3.14 times 5 b.3.14 divided by 5 c.3.14 times 0.5

The equation equal to 3.14 divided by 0.2 is () A. 3.14 times 5 b.3.14 divided by 5 c.3.14 times 0.5

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Only the result of a is 15.7
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() divide 45 by 9 () fill in what quotient, and the end is 0

It doesn't exist at all, because if the end of quotient is 0, then the end of the number of quotient 0 × 9 () should also be 0, because multiplying any number is 0, which contradicts the end of () 45 in the question

The quotient of the product of two factors divided by one factor is 2.4, and the quotient of the product divided by the other factor is 4.5

The quotient of the product of two factors divided by one factor is 2.4, and the quotient of the product divided by the other factor is 4.5. These two factors are 4.5 and 2.4 respectively, and their product is 4.5 * 2.4 = 10.8

What is the quotient of the difference between 84 and 24 divided by 1 / 2 times 1 / 3?

The difference between 84 and 24 divided by 1 / 2 times 1 / 3, the quotient is 360
(84-24) divided by (1 / 2 * 1 / 3)
=60 divided by 1 / 6