How many times 1 / 4 equals 51

How many times 1 / 4 equals 51


Calculation: 24 × 51 / 13 + 51 × 19 / 43


One seventh and two sixths

1 2 6+14 22 11
-- + -- = -------- = ---- = ----
7 6 42 42 21
Find the least common multiple (42) of 7 and 6
Place 42 at the denominator
If you look at the denominator of the original fraction, 7 and 6. Then 7% is 42, which is its molecule. So is 2 / 6

One has () one seventh, two has () one ninth

There are (7) one seventh in 1,
1 / 7 = 7
There are (18) ninths in two
1 / 9 = 18