-7 / 22 × (7 / 22-3 / 4) × 22 / 7 △ (- 23 / 22) × () = 5 find the number in brackets If you want to list the solutions, I will give you 100 wealth value

-7 / 22 × (7 / 22-3 / 4) × 22 / 7 △ (- 23 / 22) × () = 5 find the number in brackets If you want to list the solutions, I will give you 100 wealth value

-7/22×(7/22-3/4)×22/7÷(-23/22)×( )=(3/4-7/22)/(-23/22)*( )=(7/22-3/4)*(22/23)*()=(7/23-33/46)*( )=-(19/46)*()=5