7 / 18 of a number is 5, 7 / 9 of this number is () a.10 7 / 18 of a number is 5, and 7 / 9 of this number is () a.10 B.11 c.9

7 / 18 of a number is 5, 7 / 9 of this number is () a.10 7 / 18 of a number is 5, and 7 / 9 of this number is () a.10 B.11 c.9


1. 7 / 18 of a number is 1 / 12, and 7 / 9 of this number is []

That's three fourths, and the final answer is one sixth

1 / 3 of 18 is less than 2 / 3 of a number. What's this?
Formula calculation

12,18 △ 3 = 6,6 + 2 = 8,8 △ 2 / 3 = 12

(1) It is known that 2 / 3 of a number is 18, and 1 / 3 of this number is () (2) the side length of two squares
(1) It is known that two thirds of a number is 18, and one third of the number is () (2) the ratio of side length of two squares is 7:6, and their area ratio is () (3) there are 60 students in a class, 36 boys, and the ratio of girls to boys is () (6) a rectangular frame is welded with 8 meters long wire, and the ratio of length to width is 3:1, and the area of the rectangle is () square meters

Hanying warm for you
(1) It is known that 2 / 3 of a number is 18, and 1 / 3 of this number is ()
(2) The ratio of the sides of the two squares is 7:6,
Their area ratio is (49:36),
The ratio of circumference is (7:6)
I'll help you with the rest of the questions
I have to ask you, or I can't help you

Three fourths of a number is 18 more than fifty percent. Find the number

This number = 18 (3 / 4-50%) = 72

34 of a number is 43 times of 18. Find this number

18 × 43 / 34, = 24 / 34, = 32, a: this number is 32

When Xiaohua is doing an experiment in science class, he needs to mix the powder and water into a liquid medicine according to 2:37. The teacher gives Xiaohua 8 grams of powder. How many grams of water should Xiaohua take to make the liquid medicine?

A: Xiaohua should take 925g water to prepare

4 / 5 × 4 + 2 / 5 × 2 + 1 / 5 × 16 = several (simple calculation)

First calculate the multiplication, then put forward the denominator 5, and the numerator will be OK, that is, 5 / 16 + 5 / 4 + 5 / 16 = 5 / (16 + 4 + 16) = 5 / 36

What is the calculation process of 2-6 / 13 △ 9 / 26-2 / 3?


How much is 5:40 minus 12 hours

Yesterday 17:40