The number a is 240, the number B is 360, and the number a is a few points less than the number B

The number a is 240, the number B is 360, and the number a is a few points less than the number B


The number of a is 7 times that of B, the number of a is 360 more than that of B, and the number of B is 1______ .

According to the meaning of the question, from the difference multiple formula, we can get: number B is: 360 ÷ (7-1) = 60. Answer: number B is 60. So the answer is: 60

The number of a is 7 times of that of B. the number of a is 360 more than that of B. the number of a is (), and the number of B is ()

Let B be X
B = x = 60
A = 7 * x = 420

The ratio of number a to number B is 7:3. The quotient of number B divided by number a is______ The number of a accounts for the sum of two numbers______ %.

So the answer is: 37, 70

The ratio of number a to number B is 7:3. The quotient of number B divided by number a is______ The number of a accounts for the sum of two numbers______ %.

So the answer is: 37, 70

The ratio of number a to number B is 5:3, and number B is the ratio of number a to number B______ %The number of a accounts for the sum of two numbers______ %.

Suppose the number a is 5, and the number B is 3; 3 / 5 = 60%; 5 / (3 + 5) = 62.5%; answer: the number B is 60% of the number a, and the number a accounts for 62.5% of the sum of the two numbers

The quotient of number a divided by number B is 1.4, and the ratio of number a to number B is 2______ The sum of two numbers (& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;) (& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;)

(1) 1.4:1 = 7:5; (2) 1 ^ (1 + 1.4), = 1 ^ 2.4, = 512; answer: the ratio of a and B is 7:5, B accounts for 512 of the sum of the two numbers

The ratio of number a to number B is 7:3. The quotient of number B divided by number a is______ The number of a accounts for the sum of two numbers______ %.

So the answer is: 37, 70

The quotient of a divided by B is 8. The sum of a and B is 720. What is a and B

A △ B = 8
A = 8 B
So a + B = 9, B = 720
B = 80, a = 80 * 8 = 640
The number of a is eight times that of B
The second number is: 720 (8 + 1) = 720 (9) = 80
The number of a is 8 × 80 = 640

The quotient of a divided by B is 8. The sum of a and B is 720. What is a and B

A is eight times as big as B
B 720 (8 + 1) = 80
A720-8 = 640