20% of a number plus a quarter of the number is 18 What's the number

20% of a number plus a quarter of the number is 18 What's the number

18÷(20% + 1/4)
= 18÷ 0.45
= 40
This number is 40

The temperature of 8:00, 14:00, 20:00 and 2:00 is 6 ℃, 16 ℃, 14 ℃ and 4 ℃ respectively
(1) The highest temperature of the day is most likely: A14 ℃, B16 ℃, C25 ℃, d30 ℃
(2) What is the average temperature on that day?
Must be accurate, and explain the reason, I have four days to the final exam !

(1) The highest temperature is probably 16 degrees. Because the temperature around 14 o'clock is the highest temperature of the day. When the sun height increases (the maximum at 12 o'clock), the solar radiation increases (the strongest at 12 o'clock), and the ground temperature rises. After 12 o'clock, the ground heat income is still greater than the expenditure, and the ground temperature continues to rise

X / 24 plus x + 26 / 36 equals 1, what is x equal to

The solution is x = 4

Is it cold or hot from 14 ℃ to 25 ℃ on May 1st?
As above

It's hot. It's going to be hot from 13 to 24 today!

What is 36 ° 27 ′ 12 ″ - 26 ° 45 ′ 34 ″


Which is colder in spring or autumn?

It's very cold in winter. It's warm when the temperature reaches 14 degrees in spring
It's hot in summer, and it's cold and dry when the temperature drops to 14 degrees in autumn

What is the 988665 power of 26.36


In a city, the temperature in the morning is 22 degrees centigrade. At noon, it is 6 degrees centigrade higher than that in the morning. At night, it is 10 degrees centigrade lower than that at noon. What is the temperature in the night?


Three fourths of 36 tons are () tons, and 36 tons are three fourths of () tons

Three quarters of 36 tons are (27) tons, and 36 tons are three quarters of (48) tons

The temperature of a city is - 5 ℃ in the morning, 6 ℃ in the noon and 10 ℃ in the night
