4 / 3 = (): 6 = 12: () = (): 12 = (): 36 / 12 woman

4 / 3 = (): 6 = 12: () = (): 12 = (): 36 / 12 woman

Multiply the first numerator and denominator by 2
The second 3
4 / 3 = (8): 6 = 12: (9) = (16): 12 = (36 / 48)

What does (- 36) * (- 4 / 9 + 5 / 6-7 / 12) equal?




25 + 36 multiplied by 12?


What's the difference between minus 6 and minus 6

6 - (- 6) = 12 degrees

The weather is very boring today

The weather is very dull today

We recorded and observed the weather today

We observed and recorded the weather today
Read before you write

Not only was it very cold this morning, but we also took part in long-distance running training

Although it was very cold this morning, we took part in the long-distance running training

19 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Mode is the number that appears most frequently
The dog appears once
So each one is a mode

21 boys, 21 21 boys, 21 21 boys, 21 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 boys, 21 minutes of one minute of sit sit up, the results are as follows (unit: Unit) 19 (unit: the unit) 19 & nbsp; 19 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp & nbsp; 23 & nbsp & nbsp; 26 & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; 26 & nbsp & nbsp; 26 & nbsp & nbsp; 26 & nbsp; & nbsp; 26 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp & nbsp; 26 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 26 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; & nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 26 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 23 & nbsp; 26 & nbsp; 26 & nbsp; 26 & nbsp; nbsp it's not easy; 30 (1) what are the median and mode of the data? (2) If the score is good at 31-37, how many people have the score above good?

(1) The 21 data of this group are arranged in the order from small to large, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 26, 27, 28, 29, 29, 30, 31, 31, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41; the number in the middle is 30, so the median of this group of data is 30