Fill in 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 64, 81 according to the rules. What number should I fill in

Fill in 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 64, 81 according to the rules. What number should I fill in

This problem is wrong. There is a problem
As the first floor said. Add to the back. Then I ask. 13 + 21 is equal to 64?
This question is absolutely wrong. It should be 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55

Find the rule 2,2,4,3,8,4, () ()

The first number two is two
The second number 2 is to the power of 2, equal to the third number 4
The fourth number 3 is to the power of 3, equal to the fifth number 8
The sixth number 4 is the fourth power equal to the seventh number (16)
The eighth number (5) is to the fifth power

① 3,-9,27,-81… ②-1,3,-9,27… ③ 4,-8,28,-80… What's the rule? Take the seventh number in each row and calculate the sum of three

N-1 power of (- 1) × n power of 3
The nth power of (- 1) × the nth power of 3
N-1 power of (- 1) × n power of 3 + 1

Observe the following three lines: 3, - 9,27, - 81. ① - 1,3-9,27. ② 4, - 8,28, - 80,. ③
What's the relationship between the number of the first row and the number of the second row? Take the seven numbers of each row and calculate the sum of the three numbers

Now when you see this, ask and answer
1. First line - (- 3) ^ n
Divide the number corresponding to the first line of the second line by - 3, and add 1 to the number corresponding to the first line of the third line
The seventh number of each row is - (- 3) ^ 7 - (- 3) ^ 7 / (- 3) - (- 3) ^ 7 + 1
Calculation sum = - (- 3) ^ 7 + [- (- 3) ^ 7 / (- 3)] + [- (- 3) ^ 7 + 1] = - (- 3) ^ 7 - (- 3) ^ 7 / (- 3) - (- 3) ^ 7 + 1=
-2 (-3)^7+(-3)^7/3+1=(-3)^7(-2+1/3)+1=5*(-3)^6+1=730
You see the following value right, I just give you an idea, according to this idea you calculate it