In the calculation of a problem, the divisor 65 is regarded as 56. The result shows that the quotient is 13 and the remainder is 52. What is the correct quotient?

In the calculation of a problem, the divisor 65 is regarded as 56. The result shows that the quotient is 13 and the remainder is 52. What is the correct quotient?

56 × 13 + 52 = 728 + 52 = 780780 780 △ 65 = 12; a: the correct quotient is 12

In the calculation of a problem, the divisor 65 is regarded as 56. The result shows that the quotient is 13 and the remainder is 52. What is the correct quotient?

56 × 13 + 52 = 728 + 52 = 780780 780 △ 65 = 12; a: the correct quotient is 12

In the calculation of a problem, the divisor 65 is regarded as 56. The result shows that the quotient is 13 and the remainder is 52. What is the correct quotient?

56 × 13 + 52 = 728 + 52 = 780780 780 △ 65 = 12; a: the correct quotient is 12

A simple algorithm of 22 * 28
