Solution of nine palace lattice -2, - 4, - 6, - 10, - 8,0,2,4,6, how to fill in the nine square

Solution of nine palace lattice -2, - 4, - 6, - 10, - 8,0,2,4,6, how to fill in the nine square

-8 6 -4
2 -2 -6
0 -10 4
There is a pithy formula for this kind of problem: first, according to the center of the upper line, fill in obliquely in turn. Don't forget to write down when the upper box comes out, and put it on the left when the right box comes out. The weight will be filled in the lower box, and the weight will be arranged on the upper right
However, it is limited to arithmetic sequence
Put the first number in the middle of the first row and fill it diagonally to the right. When you go up and out of the box, place it in the bottom of the column. When you go right out of the box, place it in the left of the row. When you are heavy, place it in the bottom of the position
Try it ~ it's easy to use! It's from the elementary school. I haven't forgotten it for more than ten years~


three hundred and eighteen million six hundred and forty-two thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine
two hundred and seventy-four million three hundred and ninety-eight thousand six hundred and fifteen
eight hundred and ninety-six million five hundred and twenty-four thousand three hundred and seventy-one
seven hundred and forty-five million nine hundred and sixty-one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two
five hundred and twenty-one million eight hundred and thirty-seven thousand nine hundred and forty-six
six hundred and fifty-three million four hundred and eighty-nine thousand one hundred and twenty-seven
four hundred and eighty-seven million two hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred and ninety-three
one hundred and sixty-nine million seven hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and eighty-four
to be finished!

Eight solutions of nine palace lattice

Two four is shoulder, six eight is foot, three on the left and seven on the right, Dai jiulu is one, five in the center, shaped like xuangui 29 47 5 36 18, turn right 67 21 5 98 3 4, turn right 81 63 5 74 9 2, turn right 43 89 5 12 7 6, mirror image 83 41 5 96 7 2, turn right 61 87 5 32 9 4, turn right 27 69 5 14 3 8, turn right 49 23 5