Translation from Chinese to English In contrast, farmland is rarely seen in North America In the United States, four out of ten groups of married people end up in divorce. Although the number of divorces in Germany is much less than that in the United States, it doubled from 1975 to 1999

Translation from Chinese to English In contrast, farmland is rarely seen in North America In the United States, four out of ten groups of married people end up in divorce. Although the number of divorces in Germany is much less than that in the United States, it doubled from 1975 to 1999

Central European Metropolis of ten can see the agricultural parks and open space, in contrast, North America in the city saw fee of farmland

English translation
1) The doctor concluded that confidence is essential to cure the disease
2) Whenever I feel uneasy or experience mood swings, I listen to music until I feel normal again
3) We were just about to go to the airport when the driver told us that the car had broken down
4) By popularizing the knowledge of symptoms of various diseases, the health association hopes to help people better monitor their physical condition
5) If you want to save a life in an emergency, the key is to keep calm
6) Her neighbors identified her emergency and took appropriate action. She is now fully recovered
7) Regular physical examination can help prevent the deterioration of the disease
8) In charge of, trigger, before I know it
9) I would rather borrow money from my friends than refuse to help you than… )
10) No matter how hard he works, he won't be promoted
You have to use the words in brackets
Don't make trouble, you guys

1 Doctor concluded at last that confidence was critical to curing disease
2 Every time when I feel myself uneasy or my mood swings,I listen to the music until the normal mood come back again
3 We are about to go to the airport but the driver tells us that the car has broken down
4 By popularizing the awareness of all kinds of symptoms of diseases,the Health Association wants to help people monitor their own body conditions
5 Stay cool if you want to save a life in emergency
6 Her neighbour identified her emergency and took appropriate action so she has recovered now
7 Taking a physical examnation on a regular basis can help prevent from disease worsening
8 Who should be in charge of the emergency department triggers a heat discussion before I knew it
9 I would rather borrowing money from my friend than refusing to help you
10 No matter how hard he works,no promotion grants to him

English translation
The success of Michelle's speech does not depend entirely on Michelle's excellent speech skills, but mainly on the distinctive content of her speech, which has aroused the audience's spiritual shock and strong resonance
First of all, it starts with the issue of people's livelihood. It's close to the public and integrates with the public, so it's popular and shocking. For example, Michelle's speech begins with a speech
When it comes to giving our kids the education they serve, Barack knows that like me and
Like so many of you, he never could've attached college without financial aid
"When we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage." this is the "personal experience". It is simple and vivid to use his own poor experience and Obama's struggle career as a successful example to inspire people, Flesh and blood will naturally move people
Thirdly, human talk can move people's heart, win sympathy and support

Michelle's success in her speech was not only a result of her superior speech skills, but mainly because what she had spoken was heart-striking and echo- raising.Firstly , she started with talking about...

English translation
He asked me if I like pop music
There was a time when children were tired of dancing
I wonder if Mary broke the plate on purpose
Lily doesn't work here because she is going to study in America

1. He asked me if I like pop music
1, he asked me whether I like pop music
There was a time when children were tired of dancing
2, there is a period of time the children tired of dancing.
I want to know if Mary broke the plate on purpose
3, I want to know is it right? Marie intentionally break the plate.
Lily doesn't work here because she is going to study in America
4, Lili doesn't work here, because she was going to study in the United states.

English translation
They began to make a fire to keep warm

They began to make a fire to keep warm
They started to make a fire to keep warm.
Start to do
Make a fire
Keep warm

Translate a few sentences into English ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ help, very urgent
There was no need to be in such a hurry at that time
It is impossible for him to carry the heavy box upstairs this morning
Linda has gone to work. She must have gone by bus
He shouldn't have thrown those old clothes away
I was going to read that article, but I was very busy at that time
Urgent, thank you!

I shoulden't have been so hurry.He can't have taken the heavy suitcase this morning.Linda has gone to work,she must have taken the bus.He shoulden't have thrown away the old clothes.I should have read...

English translation
China and your country are both countries with thousands of years of great civilization

China and your country are both great countries with civilization history of thousands years .

English translation
You should come here earlier next time
You'd better not go swimming alone
Let's begin to discuss this topic
The box is too heavy for the child to carry
It takes my father an hour to go to work every day

1. You should come here earlier next time. 2. You'd better not go swimming by yourself. 3. Let's start to talk about the topic

How is your cousin going to celebrate his twentieth birthday

How is your cousin going to celebrate his twentieth birthday?
How does your cousin plan to celebrate his twentieth birthday?

Compared to people with facial dysfunction,
We are happier
So we should cherish healthy facial features
Don't use those so-called translation software. I have them too. They are all "Chinglish". I hope they are more authentic English. At least you translate them yourself

We are much more happier than the people who have handicap in five senses ,so we should cherish our healthy five senses