What's three pies minus 3.14 pies?

What's three pies minus 3.14 pies?

Negative 0.14

3-way recursive equation calculation (skillful calculation) 1. (125 * 17 + 125 * 29) * 8 2, (25 * 97 + 75) * 24


12 + 11-10 = 12041 moving a match is equal to 12041
If so, I'll give you an extra 100

If you move the plus sign above 12 + 11-10 = 12041 horizontally to 1 above 10, it becomes 12111-70 = 12041~

12 + 11-10 = 12041 move a match and you get 12041
I will add 100


Xiao Gang put out a math problem with a matchstick. Twelve plus eleven minus ten is equal to 12041. Move a match and get 12041

12 + 11-10 = 12041 moving a match is 12041
Remove the horizontal line of "+" and put it on the top of 1 in "- 10" to change "- 10" into "- 70"
So that's it

Please move only one matchstick to make the result of this formula 12041

It's kind of interesting
Answer: 12111-70 = 12041
Move the first plus - above 10 to 70

12 out of 13 divided by 6


What is 120 * 6000?


13 divided by 20 equals 20 percent

13 divided by 20 equals 20, and 13 equals 65 percent

How to calculate 28 / 13 divided by 39 = ()

28 divided by 13 divided by 39 = 28 divided by (13 times 39)