How many meters is ten centimeters

How many meters is ten centimeters

zero point one
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Xiao Ming asked his father how old he was, and he said he would divide my age by 6, add 14, multiply by 3, and finally subtract 27 to get 33. How old is Xiao Ming's father this year?

[(33 + 27) △ 3-14] × 6 = 36 years old

My father is four times as old as Xiao Ming this year. He is 27 years older than Xiao Ming this year. How old is Xiao Ming this year?

Xiaoming is 9 years old

Father's age is 3.7 times that of Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming is 27 years younger than his father. How old are father and Xiao Ming?

Let Xiaoming's age be x, then his father's age is 3.7x. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the equation: 3.7x-x = 27, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 10, 3.7 × 10 = 37. A: Father's age is 37, Xiaoming's age is 10