Greenwich mean time is 02:00 a.m. what time is Beijing time? (24 hours, not 12 hours)

Greenwich mean time is 02:00 a.m. what time is Beijing time? (24 hours, not 12 hours)

Greenwich mean time is the time zone of the 0 degree meridian, that is, the time zone of the central time zone. Beijing is in the East 8, and Beijing time is the time zone of the East 8, which is eight hours earlier than the central time zone (the time in the geographical sense is opposite to that in real life), so Beijing time is 10:00

Why is Greenwich mean time universal time

Greenwich is the site of the former Greenwich Observatory in the southern suburb of London, UK. It is also the starting point of geographic longitude in the world. Greenwich time is also known as "universal time". It is the standard time of the site of Greenwich

1 yuan + 6 points = () jiao () points

1 yuan + 6 points = (10) jiao (6) points

There are six angles in 360 degrees, with a diameter of 3 meters. What are the angles

Angle to angle = 3.14 × 3 × 1 / 6 = 1.57m