A flat angle has no vertex, a perimeter is a ray, and it has only one edge______ (judge right or wrong)

A flat angle has no vertex, a perimeter is a ray, and it has only one edge______ (judge right or wrong)

An angle is a figure surrounded by two rays from a point, so as long as it is an angle, there will be a vertex and two rays; so a flat angle has no vertex, and a perimeter angle is a ray, and it has only one edge, which is wrong

The horizontal angle is a straight line. The perimeter angle is a ray

Incorrect. The horizontal angle has an end point, but the straight line does not. The perimeter angle has two rays, one of which is different from the other

Xiao Ming said, "a straight line is a flat angle, a ray is a circumference." do you think that's right?

A line has no vertices, so it's not an angle
An angle consists of two rays, so one ray is not an angle

What is 1 + 2 + 3 +... + 365?
