A year 365 days, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, 60 seconds a minute, how many seconds?

A year 365 days, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, 60 seconds a minute, how many seconds?

365 * 24 * 60 * 60=31536000

How many hours, minutes and seconds are there 365 days a year

1 year = 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.9747 seconds = 31556925.9747 seconds = 365.24219878125 days

The ancients of our country have known for a long time that a year is equal to 365 days. How did they know that?

Guibiao is an astronomical instrument for measuring the length of shadow in ancient China
A long time ago, people found that houses, trees and other objects cast shadows under the sunlight, and the changes of these shadows have certain rules. So they erect a pole or a stone column on the flat ground to observe the changes of shadows. This pole or column is called a "watch"; by measuring the length and direction of the shadow with a ruler, the time can be known, It is found that the shadow of the table is always projected to the north at noon, so the ruler made of slate is laid flat on the ground and perpendicular to the vertical table. One end of the ruler is connected to the base of the table, and the other end is extended to the north. This ruler made of slate is called "Gui". When the shadow of the table is projected on the slate at noon, the ancients can directly read the length of the shadow
After long-term observation, the ancients not only knew that the shadow was the shortest at noon in a day, but also found that the shadow was the shortest at noon in the summer solstice, and the longest at noon in the winter solstice, It is the length of a year. No wonder the ancients knew that a year is equal to 365 days
On the existing star watching platform in Dengfeng, Henan Province, the 40 foot high platform and the 128 foot sky measuring ruler are also a huge guibiao. Yizheng copper guibiao
The earliest extant guibiao in China was unearthed in 1965 from the tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty at No.1 Shibei village, Yizheng, Jiangsu Province. Guibiao is an instrument for observing astronomical phenomena in ancient China. In different seasons, the location of the sun and the height of noon are different, and there are periodic changes. In the open air, guibiao is placed on the north side of the surface. According to the surface shadow on guibiao, the diurnal and annual changes of the sun shadow are measured, compared and calibrated, It can determine the direction, time, annual constant, season and calendar. Therefore, shadow measurement is one of the main observation methods in ancient Chinese astronomy. Yizheng copper watch is 34.5cm long, 1.5ft in Chinese system, with dimensions engraved on the edge. The height of the watch is 19.2cm, 8in Chinese system. The two watches are connected by pivots, According to the traditional saying, the height of the watch is 8 feet, which has been used for a long time. The height of the watch is just 1 / 10 of 8 feet, which indicates that it is a portable shadow measuring instrument, It can be proved that the statement that the observatory used an 8-foot watch for observation at that time is credible. The watch consists of two parts: the GUI and the watch. The GUI is a flat scale ruler, and the watch is an upright pole, which is placed at both ends of the GUI and perpendicular to the GUI. When the sun shines on the watch, the shadow of the watch appears on the GUI, In the spring and Autumn period, a barometer has been used to measure the time between the longest and the shortest successive sunshadows, and to calculate the length of the year of return
In 1965, a pocket copper watch was unearthed from a tomb of the Middle Eastern Han Dynasty in Yizheng, Jiangsu Province. It is composed of a 19.2 cm watch and a 34.39 cm long watch. The watch is connected by pivots and can be placed flat in a box. The watch is self-contained and easy to carry. It is a masterpiece of close cooperation between designers and foundry engineers
Guo Shoujing, an outstanding astronomer of the Yuan Dynasty, designed and built a scenery platform at the place where Zhougong measured the time. It is composed of a 9.46-meter-high platform and a long building which is tiled northward from the groove in the north wall of the platform. This platform is equivalent to a solid table, Flat on the ground of Taipei is the "sky measuring ruler" or stone GUI. This huge "Gui meter" greatly improves the measurement accuracy
The time measured by guibiao lasted until Ming and Qing Dynasties. A guibiao at Nanjing Zijinshan Observatory was made in the orthodox period of Ming Dynasty (1437-1442)
In ancient times, people worked at sunrise and stopped at night. They felt the relationship between the sun and time intuitively from the regular rise and fall of the sun every day. They began to determine the time by the position of the sun in the sky. But it is difficult to be accurate. According to records, three thousand years ago, Zhou GongDan, Prime Minister of the Western Zhou Dynasty, set up an instrument to determine the time by measuring the length of the shadow of the sun in Dengfeng County, Henan Province, It's called a watch. It's the earliest timer in the world

How did the ancients calculate that there were 365 days in a year with the "Gui" table?

Guibiao is an astronomical instrument for measuring the length of the shadow in ancient China. It consists of two parts: guibiao and Biao. The post and stone column standing on the ground to measure the shadow is called the watch. The stereotype of measuring the length of the shadow is called guibiao