What is 1.37 billion divided by 0.25

What is 1.37 billion divided by 0.25

That's four times

How much is 1.3 billion divided by 46 million? How much is 1.3 billion divided by 126 million?
Such as the title

1.3 billion divided by 46 million equals 28260869565217391304347826086957
1.3 billion divided by 126 million equals 10.31746031746031746031746031746031746

How to divide 40 by 4

320 divided by 73, please answer

320 divided by 73 equals (quotient 43 over 61)

137-136 × 1 and 138 of 139 × 138
Come on,

Is it 137-136 × 1 of 139 × 138 and 1 of 138?
137-136 × 1 of 139 × 138 and 1 of 138
=139-139 × 1 / 138-136-136 × 1 / 138
=3 - (139 + 136) × 1 / 138
=3-2 + 1 / 138
=1 / 138

Simple calculation: 139 × (137 / 138) - 137 × (1 / 138) =?


Skillful calculation of 3.75 × 138 + 1.25 × 86

Do you understand? You can ask if you don't understand

What is 24 × (1 / 3-12)?

24 × (1 / 3-12) = - 3

Like, etc. \?
It is the meaning of the symbol "and the number after it. Some people say it is a subnet mask. How can it be converted into a subnet mask? What is the function of a subnet mask?
This 24 is the subnet mask, and its binary is 24 1s, such as 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
In decimal, it's
This 30 is also a subnet mask. The IP address is a class a address. Its binary is 30 1s, such as
In decimal, it's

138 degrees 24 minutes 3 seconds - 9 degrees 36 minutes 27 seconds =?
Master to solve the problem

138 degrees 24 minutes 3 seconds - 9 degrees 36 minutes 27 seconds
=137 degrees (60 + 24) minutes 3 seconds - 9 degrees 36 minutes 27 seconds
=137 degrees 84 minutes 3 seconds - 9 degrees 36 minutes 27 seconds
=137 degrees 83 minutes (60 + 3) seconds - 9 degrees 36 minutes 27 seconds
=137 degrees 83 minutes 63 seconds - 9 degrees 36 minutes 27 seconds
=(137-9) degrees (83-36) minutes (63-27) seconds
=128 degrees 47 minutes 36 seconds