If you know that only three divided by five is equal to three times five, you can fill in the natural number ()

If you know that only three divided by five is equal to three times five, you can fill in the natural number ()

Five divided by three is five multiplied by one

A quarter of m plus one divided by a quarter equals eight. What's M?
Is it equal to 7, or 4, or 128? It should be 4


What is half times C

C / 2

How much is half plus three quarters multiplied by two?

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Do it all over again
One plus one half of the sum multiplied by one plus one quarter of the sum multiplied by one plus one sixth of the sum multiplied by... Multiplied by one plus one tenth of the sum multiplied by one minus one third of the difference multiplied by one minus one fifth of the difference multiplied by... Multiplied by one minus one third of the difference multiplied by one minus one tenth of the difference
······Expression rule
I can't find the rules. Please help me
Satisfactory answer plus (⊙ o ⊙) Oh!
O(∩_ Thank you
In fact, it's simple, but I can't find the rules!

Is the title right? 0.0 is not the difference between the sum of one plus an even number and the sum of one minus an odd number. If it is, it should be: the product of the nth term of addition and the nth term of subtraction is 1, and the final product is 1

What does half a meter multiply by three quarters mean

That is to divide half a meter into four parts, and take three of them, so it is three eighths of a meter

Three quarters of eight times one half of two times three quarters of four

Original formula = 6 × 1 × 3
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Calculation: 33338712 × 79 + 790 × 66114


Evaluation: (333387 + 1 / 2) * 79 + 790 * (66661 + 1 / 4)
There are additional points

Use double
double left=(333387+1/2)*79;
double right=790*(66661+1/4);
double total=left+right;

333387 1 / 2 * 79 + 790 * 6661 1 / 4=
There should be algorithms and formulas

333387 1 / 2 * 79 + 790 * 6661 1 / 4