6 out of 80 times, or divided by What the teacher said must be up and down multiplied by or divided by the same number

6 out of 80 times, or divided by What the teacher said must be up and down multiplied by or divided by the same number

Radical (3 / 2), - radical (3 / 2)
6 out of 80 divided by [root (3 / 2) or - root (3 / 2)] can be equal to 20 root (3 / 2), or 20 [- root (3 / 2)]

25% of a number is equal to one sixth of eight


The four numbers differ by 80 parts in turn. 1, and their ratio is 1:3:5:7

The four numbers differ by 1 / 80 in turn, and their ratio is 1:3:5:7. Find the sum of the four numbers
There are two differences in order, one is: [1 / 80] / 2 = 1 / 160
The sum is: (1 + 3 + 5 + 7) * 1 / 160 = 1 / 10

Two thirds of a number is 80. This number is ()

The answer is 120