Divide a three digit number by 11, which is equal to the sum of the three digits

Divide a three digit number by 11, which is equal to the sum of the three digits

Let X be the number of hundreds, y be the number of tens, and Z be the number of bits
You can get it from the question
So: 100x + 10Y + Z = 11x + 11y + 11z
That is: 89x-y-10z = 0
Let x = 1, then y = 9, z = 8
So the number is 198

When a number is divided by 9, what is the law of its quotient

They are all multiples of the cycle of 1 after the decimal point. How many times of the cycle of 0.1,1

When a number is divided by 9, the rule of its quotient is urgent!
When a number is divided by 9, the rule of its quotient is? {column: 1 divided by 9 equals 2 divided by 9 equals 3 divided by 9 equals 25 divided by 9 equals 30 divided by 9 equals 52 divided by 9 equals 73 divided by 9 equals},

Its quotient plus itself is ten times its quotient,