The product of two factors is 1, and one of them is negative 2 / 5, so what is the other factor?

The product of two factors is 1, and one of them is negative 2 / 5, so what is the other factor?

The other is:
1 ÷ (- 2 / 5)
=1 ÷ (- 11 / 5)
=- 5 out of 11
So the other one is - 5 out of 11

If the product of two factors is 1, one of them is - 2 and 1 / 5, then the other factor is

1 ÷ (- 2 / 5) = - 5 / 11

The product of multiplication of two factors is 108. One factor is expanded by 5 times and the other factor is reduced by 5 times. What is the product?

One factor increases by five times, the other factor decreases by five times, and the product remains unchanged, which is 108