One in three plus one in two minus one in three plus one in two equals

One in three plus one in two minus one in three plus one in two equals


Why is it equal to [A-4] [a + 2] = 0

A-178; - 2a-8 = 0 split the first term and the last term into a-178; = a * a - 8 = - 4 * 2 by cross multiplication (this is to be tried), and then write a-4a 2 cross multiplication-4a + 2A = - 2A is exactly equal to the middle term. A-178; - 2a-8 = (A-4) (a + 2) = 0 is suitable for factorization problems with only three terms

536 △ 536 and 536 / 537 need complete calculation process and solution

536 △ 536 and 536 / 537
This is my conclusion after meditation,
If not, please ask, I will try my best to help you solve it~
If you are not satisfied, please understand~

1 divided by 1 / 2 divided by 1 / 3 divided by 1 / 4 divided by Divided by one and one in 19


What is 3 divided by 7.74

3 divided by 7.74 equals 0.3875968;
I'm very glad to answer your questions. Skyhunter 002 will answer your questions
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

What is 2012 divided by 8.084?

Equal to your name
Hope to adopt

How much is 2113 divided by 1 / 2011 divided by 2012?

2013 divided by 2012
=(2012 / 2012 + 2011) divided by 2012
=1 + 1 / 2011
=One and one in 2011

Give a 5-digit number and output its digits in reverse order. For example, input 12345 and output 54321

Do not know what language you want to use programming. Here to provide a c small program, hope to help you
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iomanip.h"
void main(void){
int nin;
cout > nin;

How many digits is 12345 × 54321?
Please explain the process of solving the problem and how to get the answer quickly

Nine digits, zoom in and out

a. If B is opposite to each other and C and D are reciprocal to each other, what is (a + B + 1) (a △ b) - 2004cd equal to
It's not a problem, but I've caught a cold recently, and I have a headache when I think about it

Because a and B are opposite numbers,
So (a + b) = 0, (a △ b) = - 1
Because C and D are reciprocal, CD = 1
So (a + B + 1) (a △ b) - 2004cd