If a number (except 0) is divided by 1 / 8, it will be () 1. Reduced by 8 times 2. Unchanged 3. Expanded by 8 times

If a number (except 0) is divided by 1 / 8, it will be () 1. Reduced by 8 times 2. Unchanged 3. Expanded by 8 times

Choose, 3. Expand 8 times

3800 divided by 300 = 12 more than 2, right?
My child has to say that the two zeros of offset should be put after the remainder, which is equal to the remaining 200

The remainder is 200, which cannot be offset

Change 36 ° 40 '. 30 "into degree


Turn 30 ° 23'45 "into a number in degrees


Math 36.28 degrees=____ Degree___ Points___ Seconds, 51 degrees, 28 minutes, 30 seconds=___ degree

28 degrees = 36 degrees 16 minutes 48 seconds,
51 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds = 51.475 degrees



Divide zero by any number to get zero______ (judge right or wrong)

0 is not divisor. If 0 is divided by a number other than 0, it will get 0. Therefore, if 0 is divided by any number, it will get 0

According to statistics, recycling 5 tons of waste paper can produce 4 tons of new paper, which is equivalent to protecting 85 trees?
The answer is not 8160

120 × 4 / 5 = 96 (tons) 96 △ 4 × 85 = 24 × 85 = 2040 (trees)
A: it can protect 2040 trees

The primary and secondary schools in the new city have carried out the waste paper recycling activities. A total of 87.5 tons of waste paper have been recycled. The recycling rate of recycled paper produced from waste paper is 80%

87.5 * 80% = 70 tons

83 tons of waste paper were recovered in a waste paper recycling plant, and the recycling rate of raw paper produced with waste paper is 80%?

83 × 80% = 66.4 (T)