How to divide 7 out of 15 and 11 out of 20?

How to divide 7 out of 15 and 11 out of 20?

Find the least common multiple of denominator first
15=3x5 20=4x5
The least common multiple is 3x4x5 = 60
Molecular identity times multiple
7x4=28 11x3=33
That is 28 / 60 and 33 / 60

How to divide 4 out of 15 and 5 out of 18

15 times 6 = 18 times 5

Four out of fifteen and fifteen out of eighteen

4 out of 15 = 8 out of 30
15 out of 18 = 5 out of 6 = 25 out of 30

How to divide 5 / 24 and 7 / 18

Multiply the numerator denominator by the least common multiple of the two denominators at the same time

Divide 5 out of 16 and 7 out of 18

If you calculate the minimum fractional multiple of 5 / 16 16 and 7 / 18 18, the answer is 64. In this way, you can change 5 / 16 16 into 64 and 7 / 18 into 64. But molecule 5 and molecule 7 need to expand the same multiple, so the answer is 20 / 64 and 28 / 64,

Eight out of seven and seven out of eight compare
Because of XXXXX
So xxxxx

-8 / 7 less than - 7 / 8
Because eight out of seven is more than seven out of eight
So eight out of seven is less than seven out of eight

Which is bigger, seven eighties or eight nines?

Taking 72 as the calculation, 64 is certainly bigger than 63. I learned it in primary school, and I forgot how to explain it. Ah. If you can't, just calculate. 7 / 8 = 0.875, 8 / 9 = 0.88889, ha ha.

Eight out of nine and seven out of eight

Eight out of nine > seven out of eight

(1 / 8) (0.125) vs

(1 / 8) = (0.125)
One eighth to a decimal is 0.125

Five sixties and three eighties

Twenty of twenty-four, nine of twenty-four