What is the least common denominator of 2 / 9 and 3 / 7

What is the least common denominator of 2 / 9 and 3 / 7


What is the least common denominator of 2 / 3 and 5 / 14?

The least common denominator of 2 / 3 and 5 / 14 is 42

The least common denominator of 2 / 3

Only two or more fractions have a common denominator

The least common denominator of 2 / 3 and 1 / 6


The least common denominators of three fifths and two ninths are (), and the least common denominators of four ninths and two fifths are ()

The denominators of three fifths and two ninths are 5 and 9 respectively. These two numbers have no common divisor, so the least common denominator is directly multiplied by 45
The denominators of 4 / 9 and 2 / 15 are 9 and 15 respectively. 9 and 15 have a common divisor of 3, so the minimum denominator is the product of the two divided by 3, that is 45

What is the least common denominator of 3 / 4,5 / 12,2 / 5?

The denominator of 3 / 4 is 4, the denominator of 5 / 12 is 12, and the denominator of 4 * 3.2/5 is 5. So the minimum common denominator is 4 * 3 * 5 = 60, which is 60

What are the least common denominators of four out of seven and nine out of fourteen?

14 because 14 is a multiple of 7, so 14

Eight out of nine to four out of three
The simplest integer ratio is 8 / 9 to 4 / 3, 120 to 75, 3m to 150cm, quarter hour to 20 minutes

8 / 9 vs 4 / 3 = 2:3
120 to 75 = 8:5
3m to 150cm = 2:1
Quarter hour vs. 20 minutes = 3:4

(3 / 8-1 / 4) / (8 / 9 × 3 / 4) = how much
Urgent! Write out the whole process

(3 / 8-1 / 4) / (8 / 9 × 3 / 4)
=(3 / 8-2 / 8) / / 2 / 3
=1 / 8 / 2 / 3
=1 / 8 × 3 / 2
=3 / 16

9 / 4 divided by 8 / 3 + 3 / 8 divided by 5 / 9

9 / 4 divided by 8 / 3 + 3 / 8 divided by 5 / 9
=3 / 8x9 / 4 + 9 / 5x3 / 8x9
=8x / 3 (4 / 9 + 5 / 9)
=8X1 / 3
=8 / 3