7 () 9 times 8 is about 5600. What number can I fill in the brackets

7 () 9 times 8 is about 5600. What number can I fill in the brackets

5600 / 8 = 700
You can't just fill in the number between 7 and 9. If you want to write something else, fill in 6300 / 10

(1) (- 4) divided by [1.25 plus (2-1 / 3) times 8] (2) (17 / 20 plus 14.9) times[
(1) (- 4) divided by [1.25 plus (2-one and three quarters) times 8]
(2) (17 / 20 plus 14.9) multiply [(- 1 / 7) - 1 and 3 / 7] by 11 / 56


2.9 + 29.9 + 299.9 + 2999.9
