(11 of 11-36) + (11 of 9-36 multiplied by 5) + (11 of 1-36 multiplied by 9) + (11 of 3-36 multiplied by 7) + (11 of 7-36 multiplied by 11) should have a process

(11 of 11-36) + (11 of 9-36 multiplied by 5) + (11 of 1-36 multiplied by 9) + (11 of 3-36 multiplied by 7) + (11 of 7-36 multiplied by 11) should have a process

(11-11/36)+(9-11/36*5)+(1-11/36*9)+(3-11/36*7)+(7-11/36*11)=10 25/36+9-55/36+1-99/36+3-77/36+7-121/36=10 25/36+20-(66+99+77+121)/36=20+(385-66-99-77-121)/36=20+(385-363)36=20+22/36=20 22/36
I suspect you are wrong in the subject

When a is a number greater than 0, the largest result of the following formula is (). AA multiplied by seven eighths Ba divided by seven eighths CA divided by nine eighths
D can't be sure


Given that a = B divided by 7 / 9 = C multiplied by 7 / 8 = divided by 3, a is not 0, can you arrange a.b.c.d from small to large

∵D÷8/8=D*1=D×8/8 ∵A÷4/5=A×5/4 ∵5/4

If the quotient of a divided by B is 8 / 9, then B is 9 / 8 of A

That's right
A / b = 8 / 9, B = 9 / 8 a