26 ml=_______ Cm ^ 3=___________ rise

26 ml=_______ Cm ^ 3=___________ rise

There's something wrong with it
1 ml = 1 cm & sup3;
0.26 ml = 0.26 CM & sup3; = 0.00026 L

The ratio of 2 / 3 ton to 400 kg is () and the simplest integer ratio is ()
Can you bring the inscription


The simplest integer ratio of 2 / 3 to 3 / 5 is () ratio ()

The simplest integer ratio of 2 / 3 to 3 / 5 is (10:9) ratio (10 / 9)

The simplest integer ratio of 2 tons: 400 kg is (), and the ratio is ()

2 tons: 400 kg
=2000 kg: 400 kg
The ratio is 5