A barrel of oil weighs 9 kg. After half of the oil is poured out, the barrel weighs 5.5 kg. How many kg?

A barrel of oil weighs 9 kg. After half of the oil is poured out, the barrel weighs 5.5 kg. How many kg?

Pour out half the oil
Reduce 9-5.5 = 3.5kg
So half the oil is 3.5kg
So the weight of oil is 2 × 3.5 = 7 kg
A: the barrel weighs 2kg

A barrel of oil weighs 16 kg. After half use, it weighs 9 kg. How many kg of original oil?

(16-9) × 2, = 7 × 2, = 14 (kg); a: the original oil is 14 kg

The teacher's family has a bucket of oil, which weighs 16 kg. After half of the oil is used, there is still 9 kg in the bucket. How many kg is the original barrel of oil? How many kg is the barrel weight?
Please work out the formula

The weight of half a barrel of oil is 16 - 9 = 7 kg
So the weight of a barrel of oil is 7 * 2 = 14 kg
So the barrel weighs 16 - 14 = 2kg
The formula is 16 - (16 - 9) * 2 = 2kg

Mr. Wang's family has a barrel of oil, which weighs 16 kg. After half of the oil is used, there is still 9 kg in the barrel. How many kg is the original barrel of oil? How many kg does the barrel weigh?

7 kg is exactly half, so 14 kg oil, 2 kg barrel