A barrel of oil weighs 56 kg. After half of the oil is poured out, the remaining half is poured out. At this time, the barrel still weighs 17 kg. How many kg does the barrel weigh? How many kilos does the barrel weigh?

A barrel of oil weighs 56 kg. After half of the oil is poured out, the remaining half is poured out. At this time, the barrel still weighs 17 kg. How many kg does the barrel weigh? How many kilos does the barrel weigh?

(56-17) / (12 + 12 × 12) = 39 / 34 = 39 × 43 = 52 (kg) 56-52 = 4 (kg) a: it turns out that this barrel of oil weighs 52 kg and the barrel weighs 4 kg

Fraction = 0.625 = [] △ 40 fast,

5 / 8 = 0.625 = [25] △ 40
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