Applying this rule, when a number is multiplied by 0.25, use this number (); when a number is divided by 0.25, use this number ()

Applying this rule, when a number is multiplied by 0.25, use this number (); when a number is divided by 0.25, use this number ()

Applying this rule, when a number is multiplied by 0.25, it is used (divided by 4); when a number is divided by 0.25, it is used (multiplied by 4)

A number divided by 25%, and then multiplied by 25%, the result size unchanged, right or wrong

It is right to divide a number by 25% and multiply it by 25%

There is a number plus 11, minus 12, multiplied by 13, divided by 14, and the result is 26. What's the number?


What number is divided by 11, 1 by 12, 2 by 13, 3 by 14, 4

11. The least common multiple of 12, 13 and 14 is 12012,
This number is 12012-10 = 12002

Who is a fraction of who is unit 1 mathematics

As long as the numerator and denominator are the same