How to divide 210 by 25

How to divide 210 by 25


How to calculate 30 times 25 divided by 30

Exchange, multiply and divide

X-1 divided by X + 3 is greater than 0,

Multiply both sides by (x + 3) to get (x-1) (x + 3) > 0, and the solution is x > 1 or X

A problem of Fractional Inequality in Mathematics
——Less than or equal to 3

General division, term shifting, transforming fraction into integral, solving integral inequality
Answer: x = - 5 / 3

Solving fractional inequality X-1 / X-2 is greater than 1 / 2

Equivalent to (2x-3) (X-2) > 0
Ψ x > 2 or X

On Fractional Inequality
If the solution of inequality (x-a) / (square of X + X + 1) > (X-B) / (square of X - x + 1) is 1 / 2 < x < 1, find the value of a and B. please send the process together,

When x = 1 / 2 and x = 1, the two sides of the original inequality are equal. Then work out the answer. If you want to solve the big problem, you should divide it into (x * x + 1-x) (x-a) - (x * x + 1 + x) (X-B) / [(x * x + 1) (x * x + 1) - x * x] > 0

Mathematical Fractional Inequality
(2x + 1) / (x-1) > 1, how to write the format of this question. Please write down the process
Suppose x > - 2, then when x = - 1
It's not the right time

(2x+1)/(x-1)-1 >0
Equivalent to: (x + 2) (x-1) > 0
The result is: x > 1 or X

Mathematical potential development problems (master to trouble write the process of calculation)
There are 325 students in Grade 6 of Heping Road Primary School in the first semester. There are 15 boys transferred in this semester and 1 / 20 girls transferred out (one twentieth). The total number has increased by 6. How many boys are there in Grade 6 of Heping Road primary school now? (question T11 on page p24 of primary school mathematics practice)
Can you be more specific? As long as I can understand what you write, and I can get it all right after I finish it, I will get an extra 15 points

There were x boys in Grade 6 of Heping Road Primary School, so there were 325 girls
Female transfer out (325-x) / 20
If there are 15 boys, then:
Now there are boys 145 + 15 = 160
A: there are 160 boys in Grade 6 of Heping Road Primary School

When a bridge is built in a certain place, the piers at both ends have been built, and the distance between the two piers is m meters. The remaining works only need to build the bridge deck and piers between the piers at both ends. According to the prediction, the engineering cost of a pier is 2.56 million yuan, and the engineering cost of the bridge deck between two adjacent piers with a distance of X meters is (2 + x) 10000 yuan. Assuming that the piers are equidistant, all piers are regarded as points, and other factors are not considered The cost of the remaining project is y ten thousand yuan. (I) try to write the functional relation of Y with respect to X; (II) when m = 640 meters, how many piers need to be built to minimize y?

When m = 640m, y = f (x) = 640 × (256x + x) + 1024f ′ (x) = 640 × (- 256x2 + 12x) = 640 × X32 − 292x2 ∵ f ′ (26)

Mathematics potential development problem (don't write the process, write the formula directly)
For a bundle of wires, half of the total length is used for the first time, the remaining half is used for the second time, and 4.6 meters is left after the remaining half is used for the third time. How long is the bundle of wires?

Love, playing meow,
After the second time: 4.6 × 2 = 9.2 (m)
After the first time: 9.2 × 2 = 18.4 (m)
Original length of wire: 18.4 × 2 = 36.8 (m)