How many kilos of copper is there in 4 square copper wires per meter

How many kilos of copper is there in 4 square copper wires per meter

Look at a few cores, take 1 core as an example

Li Bai walked on the street with nothing to do. He picked up a pot and went to buy wine. When he met the shop, he doubled it. When he saw the flower, he drank a bucket (the bucket was an ancient vessel). When the shop and Hua finished drinking the wine in the pot, he asked how many buckets there were in the pot?

Suppose the original wine x Dou, he meets the shop three times and sees flowers three times at the same time. After the first meeting, the wine is 2x-1; after the second meeting, the wine is 2 (2x-1) - 1; after the third meeting, the wine is 2 [2 (2x-1) - 1] - 1 = 0; solving this equation, we get x = 78 (Dou). A: how much wine is there in the wine pot

When Li Bai was drinking in a pot, he doubled the amount of wine in the shop and had a drink with the flowers. He met the shop and the flowers three times and asked how much wine he had

This is a folk calculation. The meaning of the title is: Li Bai is walking on the street, holding a wine pot while drinking. Every time he meets a hotel, he doubles the wine in the pot, and every time he meets a flower, he drinks a bucket (bucket is an ancient capacity unit, 1 bucket = 10 liters). In this way, when he meets a flower in the shop, he drinks the wine three times. How much wine is there in the pot?
This problem is solved by equation. Suppose that there is wine in the pot. We get 〔 (2x-1) × 2-1 〕× 2-1 = 0, and we get x = 7 / 8

Who can solve the mathematical problem of "Li Bai goes to buy wine when he holds a pot, double the amount when he meets a shop, drink a bucket when he sees a flower, and drink all the wine in the pot when he meets a shop and a flower three times?"

The original amount of wine in the pot is required, and the change of the wine in the pot and the final result are told. Add (multiply by 2) three times to reduce the amount of wine in the pot. To solve this problem, we usually start from the changed result, and use the inverse relationship between multiplication and division, addition and subtraction to gradually reverse the reduction