(1 / 2-2 / 3-5 / 6) * - 36

(1 / 2-2 / 3-5 / 6) * - 36

simple form



(1)180°-(25°18′+65°56′) (2)(31°40′-25°4′30″)x3+28′3″x2

(1)180°-(25°18′+65°56′)=180°-90°74′=179°60′-91°14′=88°46′(2)(31°40′-25°4′30″)x3+28′3″x2 =(31°39′60″-25°4′30″)×3+56′6″=6°35′30″×3+56′6″=18°105′90″+56′6″=18°1...

A simple algorithm of 0.56/0.28 + 2.8

=0.28*2/0.28 +2.8

Minus two and a half divided by one and a quarter multiplied by brackets minus two minus one

Minus two and a half divided by one and a quarter multiplied by brackets minus two minus one
= -8/5*-3

One fourth of brackets minus one eighth of brackets divided by five twelfth minus five twelfth,

(1/4 - 1/8)÷ 5/12 - 5/12
= 1/8 ÷ 5/12 - 5/12
= 3/10 - 5/12
= - 7/60

How much is the negative one in sixty divided by one in three plus one in four minus one in five?

Negative one in 23

Two thirds multiplied by one fourth, divided by three fourths of brackets minus one third of brackets, how to calculate this problem easily? Please write it on the draft paper,

This is not a simple calculation
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The quotient is 24. The sum of a and B is 400. A is () B is ()

B: 400 / (24 + 1) = 16
A 400-16 = 384

The quotient of the number a divided by the number B is 105, the remainder is 39, the minimum number B should be () and the number a should be ()

So B is 40
A is 4239