Simple calculation: 128 × 750 △ 25 × 18 There is another one: 2.9 × (3.8-4 / 5) × (2.375-1 / 8)

Simple calculation: 128 × 750 △ 25 × 18 There is another one: 2.9 × (3.8-4 / 5) × (2.375-1 / 8)

Multiplication and division can calculate any one of the segments, and this can be calculated first as 750 △ 25 = 30
Multipliers can also be disassembled arbitrarily, and then combined separately

25 △ 25 and 25 / 28 must be easily calculated
, formula

25 △ 25 and 25 / 28
=1 △ 1 and 1 / 28

How to calculate 28 times 25 easily

28 by 25

15.28 times 59 out of 5 minus 11.8 times and 69 out of 4


How to calculate 159 * 59-59 * 59 simply

I wish you a happy study!

Simple calculation of 25 × 28 (Law of multiplicative distribution)


28 * 225-2 * 225-6 * 225 how to use the law of multiplicative distribution to do disjunction calculation

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124 times 75 minus 124 times 72 minus 124 times 2
Xiao Ming's father is a famous planter. His family has planted a rectangular field, 151 meters long and 121 meters wide. Two 1 meter wide paths have been built in the field. What is the planting area of this field? How many hectares?


How to calculate the distribution law of multiplication
How to calculate

For example:
73*31 + 28*31 - 31
= 73*31 + 28*31 - 1*31
= 31*(73+28-1)
= 31*100
= 3100
After the common factor is extracted, the addition and subtraction are completed, and then the multiplication is performed

How to calculate 28 * 225-2 * 225-6 * 225 with multiplication distribution law?
