Simple calculation of 56.8 × 0.5 + 0.6

Simple calculation of 56.8 × 0.5 + 0.6

Direct calculation is not easy

(3-112.55% + 8 / 7) * 21 / 13 * 56 / 169

251 8 21*56
= (3 - ——— + —)* ————
2000 7 13*169
42243 1176
= ———— * ———
14000 2197
= 2.8456

Simple calculation of 56.3 / (6.21-6.09)

Simple calculation of 56.3 / (6.21-6.09)

How to solve the problem of n minus 1 power of 10 times 2 = 330000

N minus 1 power of 2 = 33000
The logarithm of log base 2 is taken on both sides at the same time
N-1 = log of 33000 with base 2
The solution with calculator is: n ≈ 16.01

Simple calculation of 125 / (1 / 8 * 1 / 9)


The quotient of dividing two numbers is 100. If the divisor and divisor are both divided by 10, what is the quotient?
Specific calculation process

Or 100
Let the divisor be x, then the divisor is x / 100, divide two numbers by ten, X △ 10 = x / 10, X / 100 △ 10 = x / 1000, X / 10 △ X / 1000 = 100

|What is x + 1-2 | X-2 | - | x + 1 | = 18x?
Please reply today. Thank you. Before 3 stores

Analysis: first solve the problem of | x + 1-2 | X-2 | and then discuss the equation
1) Through simplified calculation, | x + 1-2| X-2 | = 2; (- 1)

-If 18x = 18, then x is equal to


Given that X2X + 2x2 + 18x = 10, then x equals ()
A. 4B. ±2C. 2D. ±4

It is known that X2X + 2x2 + 18x = 10, x > 0, the original formula can be simplified as: 2x + 2x + 32x = 10, 2x = 2, the square of both sides is: 2x = 4, 2x = 2, so C

18x-9=65 x=?
