Fill in the number square to find the rule Fill in 1 ~ 9 in the square of 3x3. Make the sum of 3 numbers in any horizontal column equal to that in any vertical column

Fill in the number square to find the rule Fill in 1 ~ 9 in the square of 3x3. Make the sum of 3 numbers in any horizontal column equal to that in any vertical column

2 7 6
9 5 1.
4 3 8

How to fill in the squares with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (each number can only be used once)


There are nine squares in the vertical and horizontal, which are filled with numbers. It is required that each line should have every number from 1 to 9. What's the rule
Some spaces have been filled in

Sudoku general solution method and steps: according to the following method can ensure that the final solution of Sudoku, and through the manual operation time can be controlled in 1.5 hours, no matter how difficult, so this method can be used as a general solution to get Sudoku answer. 1, according to the horizontal, vertical and square constraints to exclude each

Fill in a number in each box below, so that the six digit 11 can be divided by 17 and 19. What are the two digits in the box?

∵ six digit 11 □ □ 11 can be divisible by 17 and 19, the six digit 11 □ □ 11 can be divisible by 17 × 19 = 323, the minimum number is 110011, so 110011 △ 323 = 340.. 191, the maximum number is 119911, so 119911 △ 323 = 371 78, ∵ 11 □ □ 11 can be divisible by 323, the quotient must be 3 digits, and

How to solve the problem of 11 / 15-3 / 4 + 19 / 15-1 / 4


How simple is the formula 3 / 19 + (7 / 36-4 / 19)


① 43 × 7 / 44 ② 7 / 18 × 19-7 / 18 ③ 10 △ 2 / 5-3 / 4 × 2 / 9 (simple formula)

=6 and 37 / 44
=24 and 5 / 6

2 / 9-7 / 16 × 2 / 9 (simple formula)


How much is 3 / 19 * (2 / 3 * 19)? The formula is fast


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 17 18 19 20 each of these 12 numbers can only be used once
