A number is more than 2 / 5 of 25. What's 3 / 4 of 10? What's the difference between 10 times the reciprocal of 5 / 7 and half of 7 / 8?

A number is more than 2 / 5 of 25. What's 3 / 4 of 10? What's the difference between 10 times the reciprocal of 5 / 7 and half of 7 / 8?

Two fifths of 25 is 10
Three quarters of 20 is 15
The reciprocal of five out of seven is seven out of five
10 times of 7 / 5 is 70 / 5 = 14
Half of seven in eight is seven in 16
14-7 / 16 = 9 / 13

A number is 2.4 more than the difference between 3.6 and 1.25. Find the number. (result of formula)


A number is one fifth more than 25. What's the number?

The number is X

(1) What's the quotient of the difference between five ninths and one sixth divided by their sum? (2) 25% of a number is 1.2 less than one third of it. What's the number?

What's the number
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A number is five more than 25 percent of it, and that number is five···
I don't know what the process is,

It can't be 60
A: that's 20 / 3

What is the quotient of 2.4 divided by 4 / 5 minus 1.6


What is the quotient of 8.4 minus 5.2 minus 1.6


What's the difference between 4 / 5 divided by 2 / 5 and 1 / 5, and the quotient minus 1 / 6?


What's the quotient of subtracting three 5 / 6 from three and dividing the difference by 1 / 2


Use the four numbers of 65, 12, 23 and 15, plus +, -, ×, △ and parentheses to form a four mixed operation question, so as to maximize the result (numbers and symbols are not used repeatedly)___ .

So the answer is: 15 △ 65 - (23 + 12)] = 15 △ 130, = 450