Grade 5 Volume 2 Chinese lesson 5 small brush training (300) words

Grade 5 Volume 2 Chinese lesson 5 small brush training (300) words

The shepherd boy inserted the piccolo in his waist and looked at the continuous grassland. The old cow was grazing not far away. The shepherd boy couldn't help but feel lonely and blew up the piccolo. The slow evening wind brought the sound of the piccolo far away. The shepherd boy thought, in that far away place, would anyone hear the sound of his Piccolo? When the sun went down, the shepherd boy drove the cow home, on the table

Grade 5 Chinese volume 2 Lesson 5 300 words

Be more specific!

Circle (2) (8 22:43:51)
1. Three points a, B and C represent three villages. Now we plan to build a water tower to supply water to the three villages. The distance from the water tower to the three villages should be equal. Please use a ruler and a compass to determine the location of the water tower in the picture
2. In the quadrilateral ABCD, ∠ a = 90 °, ab = 5 √ 2, BC = 8, CD = 6, ad = 5, try to judge whether the four points a, B, C, D are on the same circle, and prove your conclusion
3. The picture shows a 10 m × 8 m rectangular lawn. Now we need to install an automatic sprinkler. It is known that the radius of the sprinkler is 5 m. in order to cover the whole lawn, how many sprinklers are you going to install? How to install?

1. Connect AB, BC and AC, and then make the vertical bisector of three sides (actually two can do it), the intersection point is the water tower position
2. Draw a picture first. Because angle a is a right angle, triangle abd must be on a circle. The key is to find out whether angle c is a right angle. According to AB, ad and angle a, you can find BD. then look at Triangle BCD and calculate it. I'm lazy
3. Two, 3 meters away from the short side (on the symmetry axis of the short side)

Take moving as the topic to write a composition 300 words fast

The philosopher said that as long as the wisdom is unique, even if you pick flowers and smile everywhere, you can also feel a love, a taste, a charm, and even philosophy. Moving is a long frozen river under the spring breeze; moving is a proud red plum in the vast snow; feeling

What can I write about moving

Kindness of parents (including animals)
Love (preferably tragedy) - for the sake of points, not my own point of view
understanding life
Animals and plants strive to survive, such as the eagle flying, the emperor moth cocooning, pine plum Aoxue, rock seam long trees and grass

At that moment, I'm really moved. I just need a good example

How to write a moving composition? Fast

Generally speaking, I prefer flashback. At the beginning, I'd better write how it moved me. It's better to use some rhetorical devices to attract readers and add literary grace. Then the second paragraph begins to narrate. In the process of narration, it's not appropriate to write about it directly. In the middle, I should also write more about the characters' expressions, Action, appearance, language, etc. in fact, a small thing can also show a touching side. For example, when the family is poor and the entrance exam is coming, the mother specially bought a big watermelon in order to relieve her children's summer heat and hunger. Looking at the child eating with relish and facing a piece of watermelon sent by the child, the mother says with a smile that she has eaten it, Mother is gnawing at the watermelon skin left by her child in the kitchen

The composition of flying a kite is fast

Kite flying "it's a beautiful day today, all the flowers are blooming." I got up with a song. It's so comfortable. I had a good sleep on Sunday. I pushed the window open, and the fragrance of the earth came to me. Spring is so good! By the way, the teacher arranged to extract poems about spring and do some Chinese work first. "Spring sleeps before dawn, and I hear birds everywhere. The wind at night

A pair of corresponding sides of two similar triangles are 35cm and 14cm respectively. If the sum of their areas is 580cm2, calculate the area of the two triangles

Area ratio = square of variable length ratio
So S1: S2 = (35:14) & sup2; = 25:4

There is a triangle with an area of 20 cm 2, one side of which is 6 cm less than the height of the other side

Let the length of this side be x and the height be (x + 6)
The solution is x = 4 (x = - 10, rounding off)
The side length is 4