The quotient of a divided by 7 starts from the first digit after the decimal point. The sum of several consecutive numbers is 836, and a is?

The quotient of a divided by 7 starts from the first digit after the decimal point. The sum of several consecutive numbers is 836, and a is?

A is 3, any integer divided by 7, if there are decimals, the decimals are 6 digits in a cycle, and there must be "14", "28", "57" in the 6-digit cycle section, the sum of the 6 digits in the cycle section = 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 5 + 7 = 27836 △ 27 = 30 So these numbers after the decimal point are 30 cycle sections

If you fill in, the quotient is two digits

If you fill in, the quotient is two digits

Number a is 1.3 more than number B. the quotient of number a divided by number B is 1.52. What is the sum of number a and number B,

Thinking: A is 1.52 times of B, a is 1.3 times more than B, that is, 1.52-1 times of B is equal to 1.3, so B is 1.3 / 0.52 = 2.5, the sum of a and B is 2.5 + 2.5 + 1.3 = 6.3
Formula: 1.3 / (1.52-1) = 2.5;

Number a is 1.3 more than number B. the quotient of number a divided by number B is 1.52. What is the sum of number a and number B

Let B be x, then a be 1.52x
A-B = 1.3
The sum of a and B is 2.5 + 2.5 + 1.3 = 6.3

The number of a is 1.3 more than that of B. the number of a is 1.52 times that of B. what is the sum of a and B?

B = 1.3 △ 1.52-1 = 2.5
A = 2.5 + 1.3 = 3.8
The sum of a and B = 3.8 + 2.5 = 6.3

Number B is 1.3 more than number a. the quotient of number a divided by number B is 1.52. What is the sum of number a and number B

The number of a is 1.52 times that of B
The second number is: 1.3 ÷ (1.52-1) = 2.5
The number of a is: 2.5 + 1.3 = 3.8
The sum of the two books is: 2.5 + 3.8 = 6.3
If you don't understand, please ask

The number of a is 16.6 more than that of B, and the increase of B by 52.8 is equal to three times the number of A. what are the numbers of a and B

Let a be x, then B be x-16.6
Number B 18.1-16.6 = 1.5

95.5-81 △ 7-9.2 and [8 + (0.5-0.2) △ 1.2] × 0.24 it is easy to separate these two formulas
95.5-81 △ 7.5-9.2 and [8 + (0.5-0.2) △ 1.2] × 0.24. It is easy to separate these two formulas

The results are as follows
The results are as follows

8, 8, 8, 11:_____ ,1、4、5、6:_____ .

8,8,8,111:8 × 11 - 8 × 82:(8 × 11) - 8 × 83:8 × 11 -(8 × 8)4:(8 × 11) - (8 × 8)5:11 × 8 - 8 × 86:(11 × 8) - 8 × 87:11 × 8 -(8 × 8)8:(11 × 8) - (8 × 8)------------1,4,5,61:4 ÷ (1 - 5 ...

1. 3, 9, 7, 4, 14, 6, 24, 8, 37, 11 What's next