If the difference between - 2 and a rational number is 5, then the product of - 2 times the rational number is ()

If the difference between - 2 and a rational number is 5, then the product of - 2 times the rational number is ()


If the difference between - 2 and a rational number is - 5, then the product of - 2 multiplied by the rational number is ()
A. 10B. -10C. 6D. -6

According to the meaning of the question, this rational number is - 2 - (- 5) = 3. Then - 2 × 3 = - 6

If the difference between minus 2 and a rational number is minus 5, then the product of minus 2 multiplied by the rational number is zero


If the difference between - 2 and a rational number is - 3, then the product of - 2 multiplied by the rational number is determined by

-2-1=-3 ,-2×-1=2

What's the difference between 1 / 4 of 44 minus 7 / 8 divided by 7 / 6?

= 10 14 / 56 (14 / 10 / 56)
10 14 / 56 = 10.25

Why is the rate of area increase equal to the angular velocity times the square of radius divided by 2

Area of sector = radius * arc length / 2
Arc length = radius * center angle
So the area of the sector = the angle of the center of the circle * the square of the radius / 2
Speed of area increase = differential the change of sector area with time (if you don't understand differential, remember)
Because radius and 2 are constant
So the increasing speed of area = the square of radius * the differential of center angle to time / 2 = the square of radius * angular velocity / 2
The above proof is true only in the circle

Why is the area of the trapezoid (bottom and top multiplied by height divided by 2)

The area of △ ACD = ad × CE △ 2 & nbsp; & nbsp;; the area of △ ABC = BC × AF △ 2. Because CE = AF, the area of △ ACD + the area of △ ABC & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & n

A rectangle has an area of 256 square centimeters. If the length is divided by 4 and the width is multiplied by 4, it becomes a square. What is the area and side length of the square?

The square of 16x = 256 and the solution is x = 4
Square side length is 16, area is 16 * 16 = 256

What is the product of three thirds and three quarters
It's wrong. It should be two-thirds

You can choose by yourself

Is it possible to calculate one eighth (3 / 4 - 2 / 3) × 3 / 4,
Is it easy to calculate one eighth (3 / 4 - 2 / 3) × 3 / 4,
Come on, I'm waiting

First of all, I am a senior in senior one,
1/8 / (3/4 -2/3)*(3/4)=1/8*12*(3/4)=9/8