3 / 8 = 6 divided by () = 24 / 24 () = 48 / 48 ()

3 / 8 = 6 divided by () = 24 / 24 () = 48 / 48 ()

Three eighths = 6 divided by (16) = 24 (9) = 48 (18)

Six divided by three eighths and three eighths divided by six have the same meaning, but the calculation results are different. Is it right or wrong

The meaning of wrong is different and the result is different
The meaning of dividing six by three eighths: the product of two numbers is 6, and one of the factors is 3 / 8. How much is the other factor
The meaning of three eighths divided by six: the product of two numbers is 3 / 8, one of the factors is 6, how much is the other factor
6÷ 3/8=16 3/8 ÷ 6=1/16

How about three eighths by eight divided by three eighths by eight


() ratio 24 = 12 divided by () = 8 molecules 3

9: 24 = 12 △ 32 = 8 molecule 3