Simple calculation of 94 × 2012-93 × 2013

Simple calculation of 94 × 2012-93 × 2013


Simple calculation of 2.25 * 1.8 + 1.25 * 0.8


3.8 × 3.5 + 62 × 0.35 simple calculation 0.25 × 3.2 × 12.5 simple calculation 1.25 × 16 + 12.5
Simple calculation of 3.8 × 3.5 + 62 × 0.35
Simple calculation of 0.25 × 3.2 × 12.5
Simple calculation of 1.25 × 16 + 12.5 × 8.4


How to calculate 0.25 * 1.25 * 4 * 0.8 simply


(0.8 + 0.8 + 0.8 + 0.8 × 2) × 1.25
A few questions; the one above also counts. 0.1 △ 0.001 × (100.1-1.001)
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hurry up!! I'm in a hurry


Simple operation: 35 * 48 + 7.5 * 650 + 2.7 * 350


How much is 350 times 48 minus 35 times 80

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How about 350 × 48-35 × 80?
How to calculate 350 × 48-35 × 80 on the connection of primary school mathematics four on winter vacation?

General method: 350 × 48-35 × 80 = 16800-2800 = 14000
Simple operation: 350 × 48-35 × 80 = 35x480-35x80 = 35x (480-80) = 35x400 = 14000

2 / 3 + 2 / 8 + 2 / 15 + 2 / 24 + 2 / 35 + 2 / 48 + 2 / 63 + 2 / 80

2 / 3 + 2 / 8 + 2 / 15 + 2 / 24 + 2 / 35 + 2 / 48 + 2 / 63 + 2 / 80
=(2 / 3 + 2 / 15 + 2 / 35 + 2 / 63) + (2 / 8 + 2 / 24 + 2 / 48 + 2 / 80)
=[(1-3 of 1) + (1-5 of 3) + (1-7 of 5) + (1-9 of 7)] + [(1-4 of 2) + (1-6 of 4) + (1-8 of 6) + (1-10 of 8)]
=(1-1 / 9) + (1 / 2-1 / 10)
=8 / 9 + 2 / 5
=40 out of 45 + 18 out of 45
=58 out of 45

How to calculate (8-0.08) × 1.25?
