(): () = 3 / 7 = 9 divided by () = 35 ()

(): () = 3 / 7 = 9 divided by () = 35 ()

3: 7 = 3 / 7 = 9 △ 21 = 15 / 35

3 / 4x58 + 58 divided by 4-64x1 / 4=
Simple algorithm

3 / 4x58 + 58 divided by 4-64x1 / 4

One or two digits. Ten digits are 1 larger than single digits. If the two digits are divided by the sum of ten digits and single digits, the quotient is 6, and the remainder is 2. What are the two digits?

Let the single digit be a, then the number on the tenth digit is a + 1, which is 10 (a + 1) + A, and the sum of the single digit and the two numbers on the tenth digit is (a + 1) + a = 2A + 1
10 (a + 1) + a = 6 (2a + 1) + 2 is the divisor = quotient × divisor + remainder
The solution is a = 2
The two digit number is 32

A new number is obtained by dividing a two digit number by the sum of its digits and quoting 5 to 1. The new number is obtained by swapping ten digits with one digit number and dividing it by the sum of its digits and quoting 5 to 10
How about this two digit number?

Let ten digits be x, two digits be y, two digits be 10x + y, a two digit divide by the sum of its digits, the quotient 5 is more than 1 to get (10x + Y-1) / (x + y) = 5, the simplification is 5x-4y-1 = 0x = (4Y + 1) / 5, the new number obtained by changing the position of ten digits and one digit is divided by the sum of its digits, the quotient 5 is more than 10 to get the new two digits be 10Y + X (10Y + X -

There is a two digit number. If it is used to remove the one digit number, the quotient is 9 and the remainder is 6. If the two digit number is divided by the sum of one digit number and ten digit number, the quotient is 5 and the remainder is 3, then the two digit number can be obtained

Let this two digit number be AB, from the meaning of the question, we can get: 10A + B = 9b + 6, 10a + B = 5 (a + b) + 3; so 9b + 6 = 5 (a + b) + 3, simplify, get 5a-4b = 3, because a and B are all one digit integers, so a = 3 or 7, B = 3 or 8; but 33 does not conform to the meaning of the question, so the original number is 78

There is a three digit number, in which the number on the one digit is three times that on the hundred digit, and the number is divided by 5 to 4, and divided by 11 to 3. What is the three digit number?

The three digit number can only be 3, 6, 9, and the number is divided by 5 to 4, which means that the number can only be 4 or 9. Therefore, the hundred digit number of the three digit number is 3, and the number is 9, 3 + 9-3 = 9. Therefore, the three digit number is 399

There is a three digit number, in which the number on the one digit is three times the number on the hundred digit, and the three digit number is divided by 5 to 4, and divided by 11 to 3___ .

From "the number on the individual is three times of the number on the hundred", we can see that there are only 9, 3 or 6, 2 or 3, 1 for the single digit and the hundred. If it is divided by 5 to 4, then the single digit must be 9, and the hundred is 3. By "dividing by 11 to 3", only when 11 × 36 + 3, the single digit will appear 9, and the hundred is 3, so we can calculate that the three digit is 399 399

For a three digit number, the number on the one digit is three times that on the hundred digit number, and the three digit number is divided by 5 or 4, and divided by 11 or 3 to find out the three digit number
Write in computer programming language
Write in VF language,

***The following is the program written in VFP language:
cLoop_ 01 = ""
FOR nLoop_ 01 = 100 TO 999
cLoop_ 01 = ALLTRIM(STR(nLoop_ 01))
IF VAL(SUBSTR(cLoop_ 01,1,1)) * 3 = VAL(SUBSTR(cLoop_ 01,3,1)) AND ;
MOD(nLoop_ 01,5) = 4 AND MOD(nLoop_ 01,11) = 3
IF EMPTY(cLoop_ 01)
"This number doesn't exist!"
"This number is & cloop_ 01.!"ENDIF
***Results of operation:
***Screen display: this number is 399!

There is a three digit number, in which the number on the one digit is three times the number on the hundred digit, and the three digit number is divided by 5 to 4, and divided by 11 to 3___ .

From "the number on the individual is three times of the number on the hundred", we can see that there are only 9, 3 or 6, 2 or 3, 1 for the single digit and the hundred. If it is divided by 5 to 4, then the single digit must be 9, and the hundred is 3. By "dividing by 11 to 3", only when 11 × 36 + 3, the single digit will appear 9, and the hundred is 3, so we can calculate that the three digit is 399 399

The answers to the supplementary exercises of mathematics in Grade 8

I do not know is last semester, or next semester, this is only for reference!