The divisor divided by the divisor is equal to 98 plus 4, so what is the minimum divisor?

The divisor divided by the divisor is equal to 98 plus 4, so what is the minimum divisor?

Divisor greater than remainder
So the minimum divisor is 5

The fifth grade mathematics supplement exercise 84 pages

The length and width of the rectangle are 19 mm and 15 mm respectively, and the bottom and height of the triangle are 15 mm and 5 mm respectively

21 pages of mathematics answers to supplementary exercises for Grade 5 of Jiangsu Education Press

Title! Title! Title!

Jiangsu edition of mathematics sixth grade volume I supplementary exercise answers 57 to 59 pages!

=What about the title

Is there a simple algorithm for (46.5 * 50% - 3) / 5 / 6?

There is no simple algorithm for this problem

Is there a simple algorithm for 6.5 minus (1.6 divided by 5 minus 0.12)


18:7,17:3,16:5, (), (), 13:1, ()

Law: the former number minus 1 and 1 / 8 to get the latter number

7 of 18 × () = () × 5 of 3 = () × 0.1 = () × 13 = 1

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7 of 18 × (18 / 7) = (3 / 5) × 5 of 3 = (10) × 0.1 = (1 / 13) × 13 = 1
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7 of 18 × () = () × 5 of 3 = () × 0.1 = () × 13 = 1,

7 of 18 × (18 of 7) = (3 of 5) × 5 of 3 = (10) × 0.1 = (1 of 13) × 13 = 1

What is (9 / 8-6 / 1 + 18 / 13) × 18-7.35 × 6-2.65 × 6?

I need to correct a writing method first, B of a should write B / a (9 / 8-1 / 6 + 13 / 18) × 18-7.35 × 6-2.65 × 6 = (9 / 8) * 18 - (1 / 6) * 18 + (13 / 18) * 18 - 6 * (7.35 + 2.65) = 81 / 4 - 3 + 13 - 6 * 10 = 81 / 4 + (- 3 + 13-60) = 81 / 4 - 50 = - 119 / 4